'Disaster from start to finish': Parents slam school for failing kids'
(Sarah Burgess)
Ms Knight, from Halesworth, took APS to tribunal for special educational needs and disability, winning her case after the hearing across June and July, 2021.
The tribunal found Outcomes First Group Ltd, the body responsible for APS, discriminated against Chloe when it moved her to a new class in October 2020 without consulting her, failed to accommodate her return following a half-day exclusion on November 25 — and then kicked her out the school entirely on December 21 without sufficient notice, claiming they couldn't meet her needs.
What have the councils said?
Janet Willicott, the SEND expert and Public Health fellow who represented Ms Knight in court, said she is doing her best to keep pressure on the school following the ruling.
Earlier this year, she presented a report to APS — which currently has 84 pupils, and for which fees start at £62,500 — outlining the testimonies of 13 parents who were furious with how management had treated their children.
Suffolk County Council, which previously suspended placements to the school because of concerns, did not respond to requests for comment.
Photo Credit: Sonya Duncan (Beth Knight and Janet Wisbey)
(Sarah Burgess)
They joined forces with national special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) activist and consultant Janet Willicott, who collated the 13 parents' testimonies to “inform the Department for Education (DFE)” after a February 2020 Ofsted inspection saw Acorn Park School (APS) rated “inadequate”, and a “notice to improve” order was issued in September last year.
Photo Credit: Soya Duncan
These Heartbreaking Accounts Show How Families Are Being Pushed To The Breaking Point By A Failed System For Kids With Special Needs Reported by: Alex Spence Data Compiled by: Janet Willicott
Janet Willicott interviewed by Anna Kennedy on All Things Autism radio show.
A SEND Educational System in Crisis (Barnet)
credit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCguTvlPM9PK6eTiiw0wTGaA
Mother Janet Willicott calls for solicitor Mark Small, of Baker Small, to be barred from Barnet Council hearing
HEALTH PRINCIPLES - Primum non nocere
CBAM = Cost Benefit Analysis Model
I get many emails and or messages from the public (Professionals [Clinical], Parents, Teachers, some students, Education Professionals etc) asking me to explain the BWillicott v UK case & how I used basic domestic and International Legislation as well as applying the science (public health) to support said.
To save time, I will make this public so that others can share the info and be empowered. (Unfortunately I can’t reply to everyone).
Janet Willicott, trading as Normal Like Me SEN Research Services was born out of legal necessity in 2015 and registered in 2016 when Janet Willicott was denied access to further legal recourse in UK Courts when trying to appeal against a corrupt and unlawful Local Government [London Borough of Barnet], the specialist SENDist Court’s and its decisions including being denied an appeal in High Court due to ‘the possible length of appeal and cost to the tax payer’ when seeking Suitable Education for her severe complex disabled son.
What is a ‘Suitable Education’? - Suitable Education is where the environment is considered enabling and thus allowing the Child or Young Person to thrive to his or her potential. An enabling environment is a legal domain and term used under the UNCRC for Child’s Rights.
Domain 5:
- Non-discrimination
- Best interest of the child
- Respect for the views of the child/child participation
- Enabling legislation
- Best available budget
- Collection and analysis of disaggregate data
- State-civil society cooperation for child rights
There are 181 Countries who have signed and ratified the The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Child’s Rights) [UNCRC] and therefore MUST be legally compliant when providing for Children and Young People; there are 5 domains that Governments, Legislators and anyone who is making decisions for and on behalf of children and Young People must uphold.
Those domains are:
1. Right to Life
2. Right to Health
3. Right to Education
4. Right to Protection
5. Enabling Environment for Child Rights
Unfortunately and regrettably , the latest data published by KidsIndex in May 2019, has reported that the UK is now 181/181 (LAST) when in comes to ensuring that Domain 5 is upheld.
Action 4 SEND are very proud to announce that the following people have agreed to support and contribute to our book of SEND stories.
They are:
· Carrie Grant – TV star, vocal and leadership coach and SEND parent
· Janet Willicott – The CEO at SEND Research Services & SEND Sessions Live star & SEND parent
· Patsy Hallmey – Co-founder of The Dorset Children’s Foundation – a charity set up to support sick and disabled children
· Yvonne Newbold – a SEND parent who started The SEND VCB Project after 8 years of struggling to get support for her son
· Michael Charles – CEO and Senior Partner at Sinclairs law and a specialist solicitor in schools and special needs law – including higher education law
We look forward to sharing more information about each of our supporters in the near future and how they will be contributing.
· To gather as many stories as possible to highlight the SEND crisis by promoting far and wide
· To build a storm of media interest
· To collaborate with any other like-minded SEND campaigners/groups/organisations as together we are stronger
· To publish our SEND stories and take them to downing street
· To promote positive SEND practice and share where this is having meaningful impact
· To collaborate with other like-minded campaign groups, charities and organisations, to reach meaningful solutions.
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